

Sports reporting uses some specific vocabulary but once you have learned some of these phrases and new words you will hear them used frequently.

Again, why don‘t you have a go at reading this out to yourself! It‘s a good way of trying out new words. It will be fun—siuthad!

Timcheall air leth–uair a thìde a–steach dhan gheama, thàinig a‘ chiad tadhal. Deich slatan air falbh bho oisean clì a‘ bhogsa, chuir Stuart Armstrong bàl domhain a–steach chun a‘ phuist–chùil. hat h leòr astar air agus rinn Anthony Ralston fìor mhath gus a cheann fhaighinn air agus am bàl a chur seachad air an fhear–ghleidhidh, Yurchenko. Deich mionaidean às dèidh sin fhuair Alba breab–oisein air an taobh chlì. Chuir Iain MacFhinn am bàl a–steach gu sgiobalta chun a‘ phuist–chùil a–rithist. An turas seo, dh‘èirich Scott McKenna agus chleachd e an neart aige gus am bàl a bhuannachadh san adhar, agus an dàrna tadhal fhaighinn. Nochd McKenna le cheann aon uair eile agus bhuail e am maide–tarsainn sna diogan mu dheireadh den chiad leth. 

Chaidh am bàl àrd ach bha coltas nach deach e seachad air an loidhne fhathast. Ghnog Hendry am bàl air ais gu meadhan a‘ bhogsa agus fhuair McKenna a chas air. Bha coltas ann gun d‘ fhuair Alba an treas tadhal. Ach às dèidh sgrùdaidh VAR, thàinig dearbhadh gun deach am bàl a–mach às a' phàirc às dèidh dha bualadh air a' mhaide–tharsainn.
About half–an–hour into the game came the first goal (the first goal came). Ten yards away from the the left corner of the box, Stuart Armstrong put a deep ball to the back post. There was plenty speed on it and Anthony Ralston did very well to get his head on it and to put the ball past the goalkeeper, Yurchenko. Ten minutes after that, Scotland got a corner kick on the left side. John MacGinn put the ball in quickly to the corner post again. This time, Scott McKenna rose up and he used his strength to win the ball in the air and get/score the second goal. McKenna appeared with his head one more time and hit the crossbar in the final seconds of the first half.

The ball went high but it looked as though it hadn't yet gone past the line. Hendry knocked the ball back to the middle of the box and McKenna got control of it [lit. his foot on it]. It looked as though Scotland had scored their third goal. But after VAR scrutiny, confirmation came that the ball went out of the park after it hit the crossbar.
Briathrachas ùr
oisean clì a‘ bhogsa
the left corner of the box
chun a‘ phuist–chùil
to the back post
corner kick
a‘ cur seachad air
putting past