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There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Air a’ phàirc (On the park). Let’s look at some of them again in context.

Dà sgioba a’ ruith às dèidh a’ bhàil …

Two teams running after a ball …

… ga bhreabadh a–steach gu cùl an lìn …

kicking it into the back of the net …

… aig gach ceann dhen phàirce.

… at each end of the park.

Bidh gach sgioba a’ dol suas a’ phàirc.

Each side goes up the park.

Ma bhios an neach–gleidhidh feumach air taic

if the goalkeeper needs assistance

… a’ dèanamh iomlaid airson an dàrna leth

they swap for the second half

Feumaidh am bàl a bhith taobh a–staigh nan loidhnichean air oir na pàirce

The ball has to be within the lines on the edge of the park

Siud an fhìdeag.

There goes the whistle.

Tha i toirt breab–saor don Fhraing …

She’s giving a free kick to France …

We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.