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Why don’t you have a go at reading this out to yourself! It’s a good way of trying out new words. Or try reading along with the sound file. It will be fun—siuthad!

Bha aig Craig Gòrdan ri trì no ceithir sàbhalaidhean sònraichte math a dhèanamh sa chiad leth. Le beagan a bharrachd na leth–uair air a’ chloc, cha robh e comasach dha stad a chur orra. Chuir Malinovskyi bàl eagalach math suas a’ phàirc agus lorg e Yarmolenko a bha a–nis air cùl loidhne–dìon na h–Alba. Chuir esan am bàl thairis airGòrdan is coltas cho ciùin ‘s a chì thu air. Bha na h–Ucràinianaich air thoiseach, ‘s an luchd–taic aca a’ dol às an ciall.
Cha do fhreagair Alba mus do shèid an rèitire an fhìdeag airson letheach–ùine. Dh’atharraich Steve Clarke an sgioba aige airson an dàrna leth, is Lyndon Dykes a’ tighinn far na pàirce airson cothrom a thoirt do Ryan Christie buaidh a thoirt air a’ gheama. Bha e follaiseach gun robh Clarke ag iarraidh barrachd chluicheadairean ann am meadhan na pàirce far an robh na h–Ucràinianaich a’ cumail smachd air cùisean.

Craig Gordon had to make three or four particularly good saves in the first half. With a little more than half an hour on the clock, he couldn’t stop them [lit. it wasn’t possible for him to stop them]. Malinovskyi put a frighteningly good ball up the park and found Yarmolenko who was now behind Scotland’s line of defence. He put the ball over Gordon with an appearance of complete ease. The Ukrainians were ahead, and their supporters were going wild [crazy].
Scotland didn’t respond before the referee blew his whistle for half–time. Steve Clarke changed his team for the second half, with Lyndon Dykes coming off the park to give Ryan Christie a chance to influence the game. It was obvious that Clarke wanted more players in midfield where the Ukrainians were keeping control of the action (events).

There were a couple of new phrases there:

air cùl


air thoiseach (air)

ahead, in front (of)


line of defence


off (from) [with possessive (genitive)]

thairis air

across, over


evident, obvious