Cuidich sinn le làrach-lìn SpeakGaelic | Help us with the SpeakGaelic website

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There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Aithris a’ gheama (Match report). Let’s look at some of them again in context.

Saoil dè cho math ‘s a chluich sinn?

How well do you think we played?

… ged a chluich sinn gu math, cha do bhuannaich sinn.

… even though we played well, we didn’t win.

Thug esan buaidh air a’ gheama.

He influenced the game.

Rug e air a’ bhàl …

He caught the ball …

… agus chaidh e aig astar suas a’ phàirc.

… and he went up the park at some speed.

caran lag, agus fìor shlaodach

quite weak, and very slow

cairt bhuidhe

yellow card

cairt dhearg

red card

Bhuail am bàl am maide–tarsainn

The ball hit the crossbar

We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.