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Siuthad Alba!

Go Scotland!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha seo inntinneach. Cha robh mi riamh ann an stèideam aig geama ball–coise. This is interesting. I’ve never been to a football game in a stadium.
Mar a tha fhios agad, tha Alba a’ cluich an aghaidh na Frainge. Dàimheil aig aon àm, ach ‘s e nàimhdean a bhios annta air a’ phàirc a–nochd! As you know, Scotland are playing against France. Friendly at one time, but they’ll be enemies on the pitch tonight!
Dè tha tachairt, ma–thà? What’s happening, then?
Am fear seo: siud fear de na cluicheadairean–aghaidh. This man: he’s one of the forward players.
Seadh. Cluicheadair–aghaidh. Tha esan cho luath ris a’ ghaoith. Dè tha e ris? Uh–huh. A forward player. He’s as fast as the wind. What’s he doing (up to)?
Feumaidh e a bhith cho clis ris an dealanach. Ann an rugbaidh feumaidh iad a bhith cho seòlta ri sionnach agus cho cruaidh ri creag. Ach ann am ball–coise, ‘s e sgil agus luaths as cudromaiche. Ach tha am fear seo a’ feuchainn ris a’ bhàil fhaighinn suas a’ phàirc gus am faigh Alba a’ chiad tadhal, le bhith a’ cur am bàl a–steach gu cùl an lìn sin. He has to be as swift as lightning. In rugby you have to be as wily as a fox and as hard as nails [lit. as hard as a rock]. But in football it’s skill and speed that is most important. But this man here is trying to get the ball up the park so that Scotland can get/score the/their first goal, by putting the ball into the back of that net.
Siuthad Alba! Agus am fear seo: dè tha esan ris? Come on/Go Scotland! And this guy? What’s he up to?
‘S e neach–dìon a th’ ann. Tha esan cho làidir ri each ach feumaidh e bhith cho luath ri geàrr cuideachd. Bidh esan a’ cur casg air an taobh eile gus nach faigh iadsan tadhal aig ceann na pàirce acasan. Greasaibh oirbh! He’s a defender. He’s as strong as a horse, but he also has to be as fast as a hare as well. He prevents the other side from scoring a goal at their end of the park. Hurry up!
Agus an tè seo. Dè tha ise a’ dèanamh? And this woman. What’s she doing?
Sin an rèitire. Bidh ise a’ cumail smachd air cùisean. Nì i cinnteach gun tèid an geama a chluich a rèir nan riaghailtean agus gum bi daoine modhail air an raon–chluiche. That’s the referee. She keeps control of things. She makes sure that the game is played according to the rules and that people behave themselves on the playing field.
Seall air an fhear sin, a’ ruith aig peilear a bheatha! Look at that guy, running for dear life!
Tha e a’ toirt ionnsaigh mhòr air an loidhne–dhìon aig an Fhraing! He’s making a big attack on France’s line of defence.
Tadhal! Goal!
Tadhal! Siuthad Alba! An t–ath rud: Cupa na Cruinne! Goal! Go Scotland! Next stop/thing: the World Cup!