
Spòrs - Dèanta! Sports - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

You’ve earned 12750204 points

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Obair mhòr! Math dha–rìribh!

You should now be confident in the following:

  • a’ beachdachadh air tachartasan spòrs (a bhios) ri teachd | discussing upcoming sports fixtures
  • a’ bruidhinn mu dhiofar spòrs fhad ‘s a thathas gan cluich | talking about sports as they are being played
  • a’ cumail taic ri neach–spòrs no sgioba spòrs | supporting a sportsperson or team
  • a’ tuigsinn aithris air gèam no tachartas spòrs | understanding a report on a sporting fixture or event
  • a’ toirt iomradh air na thachair ann am maids | describing what happened in a match
  • ag ràdh dè cho math ‘s a rinn cluicheadairean no sgiobaidhean | saying how well players or teams performed


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