Complete for 2 points

Thig a–nuas!

Come down!

There are different words for static locations and movements to or from locations. We saw this early in the course with a–staigh(inside) and a–muigh (outside) being positions, and a–steach (in) and a–mach (out) being movements. Position is also sometimes described in relation to the speaker: a–null (over), (going) away from the speaker, and a–nall (over), toward the speaker, a–bhos (over here), near them, thall (over there) away from them. It’s important to note that some dialects do vary in the use of adverbs of place/direction.

Tha iad math a–bhos air an taobh seo.

They are good over here on this side.

Chan eil iad math thall air an taobh ud.

They are not good over there on that side.

Used with the verb thig (come), a–nuas means ‘down (from up)’ and a–nìos ‘up (from down)’.

Thàinig e a–nuas às an Eilean an–dè.

He came down from the Island yesterday.

Thàinig i a–nìos à Glaschu an–diugh.

She came up from Glasgow today.

Chaidh iad suas an–dè, ach thàinig iad a–nuas a–rithist an–diugh.

They went up yesterday, but they came down again today.