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Cò bhios a' cluiche Disathairne?

Who's playing on Saturday?

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Cò bhios a’ cluiche Disathairne? Chan eil mise cho eòlach air na tachartasan na làithean seo. Who’s playing on Saturday? I’m not very familiar with the fixtures these days.
Bidh Camanachd an Òbain agus Camanachd an Eilein Sgitheanaich a’ cluiche feasgar Disathairne. Oban Camanachd and Skye Camanachd will be playing on Saturday afternoon.
Agus càit am bi iad a’ cluiche? And where will they be playing?
‘S ann aig Pàirc Mossfield a bhios Camanachd an Òbain a’ cluich mar as trice, ach an t–seachdain seo bidh iad air falbh aig Pàirc nan Laoch ann am Port Rìgh, saoilidh mi. It’s at Mossfield Park that Oban Camanachd play [habitual], but this week they’ll be away at Pàirc nan Laoch in Portree, I think.
Saoil cò bhuannaicheas agus cò chailleas? Who do you think will win, and who will lose?
Cò aige a tha fios? Who knows?
Dè an sgioba a bhios tu a’ leantainn? Which team do you support?
Camanachd an Òbain, cò eile? Tha iadsan air leth! Oban Camanachd, who else? They’re outstanding!
Saoil am faigh iad làmh-an-uachdair air na Sgitheanaich? An dèan iad an gnothach orra? Do you think they’ll get the upper hand over the Skye folk? Will they beat them?
A dh’innse na fìrinn, chan eil iad air a bhith ach meadhanach math am-bliadhna. Ach tha an luchd–leantainn aca cho dìleas agus tha spòrs againn. Dè cho math ‘s a tha an sgioba agadsa? Cò bhios tusa a’ leantainn na làithean seo? Well, to tell (you) the truth, they have only been middling this year. But their fans are so loyal, and we have fun. How good is your team? Who are you following these days?
Bidh mi a’ cumail taic ri dà sgioba a–nis: Caol Bhòid agus Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich. Ma chailleas tè dhiubh, tha teans ann gum buannaich an sgioba eile! I’m supporting two teams now: Kyles Athletic and Kingussie. If one of them loses, there’s a chance that the other team will win.
Nach eil teans ann gun caill an dà sgioba, agus gum bi dà uiread de bhròn agad? But isn’t there a chance that both teams will lose and you’ll have twice as much sorrow?
Ach tha an dà sgioba sin uamhraidh math! Ma bhuannaicheas an dà sgioba, bidh dà uiread de thoileachas agam! But these two teams are extremely (terribly) good. If both teams win, I’ll have twice as much pleasure!