Complete for 2 points

Bhreab an cluicheadair am bàl suas a' phàirc

The player kicked the ball up the park

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

Bhreab The player kicked Tilgidh The player will throw Cha do bhreab The player didn’t kick Cha bhreab The player will not kick Shadadh The player would throw Dh’iomain The player drove Cha do thilg The player didn’t throw Breabaidh The player will kick

an cluicheadair

am bàl suas a’ phàirc.

the ball up the park.

Bhreab an cluicheadair The player kicked Tilgidh an cluicheadair The player will throw Cha do bhreab an cluicheadair The player didn’t kick Cha bhreab an cluicheadair The player will not kick Shadadh an cluicheadair The player would throw Cha bhuaileadh an cluicheadair The player wouldn’t hit Dh’iomain an cluicheadair The player drove Cha do thilg an cluicheadair The player didn’t throw Breabaidh an cluicheadair The player will kick

am bàl suas a’ phàirc.

the ball up the park.