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sg-x FAQS

How do I type the Gaelic accents?

You can just copy and paste these

Lowercase letters

Uppercase letters

Keyboard shortcuts


Some simple ways to type grave accents in MS Windows, depending on which version you use. The grave accent ` is next to the number 1 at top of keyboard

à, è, ì, ò, ù   Ctrl+`, release and type letter;

À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù   Ctrl+Shift+`, release and type letter


Alt key + character code on the numeric keypad on right of keyboard (laptops will vary). Ensure that the NUMLOCK is on.

à  Alt+133 or 0224

è  Alt+138 or 0232

ì  Alt+141 or 0236

ò Alt+149 or 0242

ù Alt+151 or 0249

À Alt+0192

È Alt+0200

Ì Alt+0204

Ò Alt+0210

Ù Alt+0217


Push and hold a character to bring up a menu and choose.

E.g. hold the letter e to choose the letter è

What is the Gaelic Alphabet?

> Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu

For more information visit LearnGaelic’s Scottish Gaelic Alphabet https://learngaelic.scot/scottish-gaelic-alphabet.jsp

How do I pronounce Gaelic sounds?

 SpeakGaelic always gives you a sound file for the word you are learning. For more information on individual sounds, visit LearnGaelic’ Sounds section  https://learngaelic.scot/sounds/index.jsp

What are slender and broad vowels?

The slender vowels are e and i.

All the others are broad.

SpeakGaelic says my email is taken and I can’t log in. Can you help?

This is usually because your account has not been properly activated – there should be an email from us with a link to activate your account (remember to check spam / junk folders too). If you can’t find the email, let us know.

If you have already activated your account, you may be on the wrong page. Please ensure you are on the login page and not the registration page.

Can you fix my link SpeakGaelic emailed to activate my account?

Yes – please forward us the email to fios@speakgaelic.scot and ask us to activate your account.

How do I log in after activating my account?

Please make your way to the login page.

Can you help me move on after completing a test?

This commonly happens if you have not logged on. You also need to have passed with 60% correct answers, if you think you have been unfairly treated, let us know. We may have a mistake in that particular test and we will fix it.

My dashboard says I’ve completed X number of topics but I should have more. How do I complete all steps to finish my topics?

You should be able to scroll and expand each topic to see which one has a step missed out. In the following example, all the sections apart from the intro and completed topic section have been completed, so the topic is incomplete.

Go into the incomplete section and follow the all the steps in the section to complete the topic.

Unfinished topics

How can I see how many steps I have missed out?

You can tell how many steps are in each section by the score on the counter at the top of the page.

Step counter

How can I see what steps I have missed out?

You can see these by going to the left-hand side of screen of any section and selecting See Lesson Content. Mobile users have an extra fist step, you can see this extra step below.

See lesson content

This will pull out all an index of all the pages and you can see your progress – a completed section will have a big green tick, an incomplete section will be empty. To resolve, navigate to the incomplete pages. If a quiz has not been completed it will be blue. if it is complete, the quiz icon is green.

index view

Extra step for small screens

Mobile users will have an extra step: you have to select the three stacked lines (officially known as the hamburger) beofre the other steps.

Mobile users' extrta step

How do I report an error?

Either use the contact form or send us an email at fios@speakgaelic.scot. Please send us the page title at the top of page (or URL) with a short description of error. If you can send a screengrab, that will help us identify the issue.

Why isn’t my sound working?

This is usually as something is muted somewhere on your device. Check volume controls, speaker settings and device settings. Please make sure you are pressing the speaker icon.

Why was I marked wrong on this quiz question?

We hate to break it to you, but you might be wrong. Check you have read the question correctly. Please ensure your apostrophes are facing the correct way and finally make sure you don’t have too many spaces.

If you think you have been unfairly treated, let us know. We may have a mistake in that particular test and we will fix it. Either use the contact form or send us an email at fios@speakgaelic.scot. Please send us the quiz title at the top of page (or URL) with a short description of error. If you can send a screengrab, that will help us identify the issue.

Can you translate something for me?

We are a tiny wee team and our main focus is on our resources. There are also professional translators who will talk you through your requirements and provide appropriate translations (some words may be context-dependent). We can send you a list of professional translators if you need them.

I think I’ve found a typo/mistake on the website. How do I report this?

Either use the contact form or send us an email at fios@speakgaelic.scot. Please send us the page title at the top of page (or URL) with a short description of error. If you can send a screengrab, that will help us identify the issue.

Why won't you provide your email address in a format I can open?

We will get ambushed by spam! If you email fios@speakgaelic.scot we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please don’t be mean, we are human beings and it will ruin our day!

Need more help or see something that is not working?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you see anything wrong or if you want to leave us a message.


Fàilte air ais
Welcome back

Your learning journey:

A1Inntrigeadh | Entry


New friends Caraidean Ùra

hand Topic 1

Places Àitichean

places Topic 2

The Weather An Aimsir

weather Topic 3

Family Teaghlach 

family Topic 4

Time Off Tìde Dheth

timeoff Topic 8

Food & Drink Biadh & Deoch

food Topic 9

Shopping Ceannachd

shopping Topic 10

Day-to-day Latha gu Latha

daytoday Topic 11

Describing People Coltas Dhaoine

describing Topic 12

Pets Peataichean

pets Topic 13

A2Bunaiteach | Foundation


Friendship Càirdeas

hand Topic 1

Around the World Air Feadh an t-Saoghail

timeoff Topic 2

Seasons Ràithean

weather Topic 3

People & Relationships Daoine & Dàimhean

family Topic 4

At the House Aig an Taigh

home Topic 5

Plans Planaichean

time Topic 6

The Workplace An t-àite-obrach

work Topic 7

Hobbies Cur-seachadan

daytoday Topic 8

Out and About Air Splaoid

food Topic 9

In the Town Anns a’ Bhaile

places Topic 10

Communications Conaltradh

describing Topic 11

People’s Skills Sgilean Dhaoine

shopping Topic 12

Nature Nàdar

pets Topic 13

B1Eadar-mheadhanach | Intermediate


Ionnsachadh Learning

work Topic 1

Còmhdhail Transport

timeoff Topic 2

Àrainneachd Environment

weather Topic 3

A' Bhodhaig The Body

family Topic 4

Taigheadas Housing

home Topic 5

Faireachdainnean Feelings

family Topic 6

Gnothachas Business

work Topic 7

Còcaireachd Cooking

food Topic 9

A' Ghalltachd The Lowlands

places Topic 10

Naidheachdan News

describing Topic 11

Slàinte is Sunnd Health & Wellbeing

food Topic 12

Cuirmean mòra Big occasions

family Topic 13

Nàbaidhean Neighbours

home Topic 14

Siubhal Travel

timeoff Topic 15

Creideamh Belief

family Topic 16

A' Ghàidhealtachd The Highlands

places Topic 17

Teicneòlas Technology

describing Topic 18

Fasan Fashion

time Topic 19

Na h-Eileanan The Islands

places Topic 20

Alba Nuadh Nova Scotia

places Topic 22

Miannan Desires

weather Topic 23

Eachdraidh History

time Topic 24

So-sheasmhachd Sustainability

weather Topic 25

Dualchas Culture

family Topic 26

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