It appeared

Bha coltas ann

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you‘re happy with them. Have fun!

Bha coltas ann

It appeared

gun d‘ fhuair Alba an treas tadhal.
that Scotland had scored their third goal.
nach faigheadh iad làmh-an-uachdair orra.
that they wouldn‘t beat them.
gun d' fhuair Alba breab–oisein.
that Scotland got a corner kick.
gun do chuir e am bàl seachad air an neach–gleidhidh.
that he put the ball past the goalkeeper.
gun d' fhuair Sasainn tadhal eile.
that England got another goal.
gum buannaicheadh Alba Cupa na Cruinne an turas seo.
that Scotland would win the World Cup this time.
gun gleidheadh iad an lìog nan cumadh iad orra mar sin.
that they would win the league if they kept on like this.
gum faigheadh e cairt bhuidhe!
that he'd get a yellow card!