Take two: I'm more knowledgeable about shinty
An dàrna turas: Tha mi nas eòlaiche air iomain
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

Bha mi ag èisteachd ri Spòrscast agus dh'ionnsaich mi tòrr. Eadar sin agus an geama oidhche Chiadain, tha mi fada nas eòlaiche na bha mi aig an àm seo an t–seachdain sa chaidh.
I was listening to Spòrscast and I learned a lot. Between that and the game on Wednesday night, I'm much more knowledgeable than I was this time last week.

Dè dh'ionnsaich thu, ma–tha?
What did you learn, then?

Briathrachas ball–coise mar bhreab–oisein—air an taobh chlì. Agus breab–saor—air an taobh dheas.
Sporting vocabulary like corner kick—on the left side. And free kick—on the right side.

Glè mhath! Dè eile a th' agad?
Very good! What else do you have?

Ceann shuas na pàirce agus ceann shìos na pàirce, gun a bhith a' dìochuimhneachadh mu mheadhan na pàirce.
The upper end of the park and lower end of the park, without forgetting middle of the park.

Tha mi nas eòlaiche air iomain, feumaidh mi ràdh, ach tha mi a' leantainn na tha thu ag ràdh!
I'm more knowledgeable about shinty, I have to say, but I'm following what you're saying!

Agus maide–tarsainn, chan eil thu ag iarraidh a bhith a' bualadh ann ach chan eil thu ag iarraidh am bàl a dhol thairis air nas motha!
And crossbar, you don't want to be hitting it, but you don't want the ball to go over it either!

Tha thu ceart an sin, a Mhàiri. Tha cuid den bhriathrachas co–ionnan, mar tadhal is neach-gleidhidh is na cluicheadairean, ach tha pàirtean eile a tha gu tur eadar–dhealaichte.
You're right there, Màiri. Some of the vocabulary is the same [equivalent], like goal and goalkeeper and players, but some of it is completely different!

Tha thu ceart an sin, Iain!
You're right there, Iain!

Ciamar a chaidh dhan dà sgioba agad, Fhionnlaigh? 'S e Caol Bhòid agus Ceann a' Ghiùthsaich a bh' ann, nach e?
How did your two teams get on, Finlay? Kyles Athletic and Kingussie, wasn't it?

'S e. Rinn an dà sgioba fìor mhath. Bhuannaich iad!
It was. The two teams did really well. They won!

Nise, cuin a bhios Alba a' cluiche a–rithist, agus càite?
Now, when are Scotland playing again, and where?

Coma leat camanachd agus sgiobaidhean ionadail, a Mhàiri. Tha thu air a dhol gu tur eadar–nàiseanta!
Never mind camanachd and local team, Màiri. You've gone completely international!