Bilingual transcription: Before the game

Bilingual transcription: Ron a' gheama

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.

Let's start by talking about a game or a sporting event that's scheduled to take place.

The first question most people will ask is: Who will be playing? Cò bhios a' cluiche?

Or if you want to be more specific, you can ask: Who will be playing in the game? Cò bhios a' cluiche anns a' gheama?

A more descriptive way of saying a' cluiche is to use the word strì: Competing against, a' strì an aghaidh.

You really get the sense of a struggle between teams in this phrase, don't you?

Once you know who's playing, most people will want to know: Where will they be playing? Càit am bi iad a' cluiche?

More often than not, in team games it will be one sgioba, team - sgioba an aghaidh sgioba eile.

Many teams will play on a: A park or a field, pàirc. And for bigger games, na sgiobaidhean, the teams, will very likely be playing in a stèideam, which is similar to the English word, stadium.

Now, for many, the most important word is: Winning, buannachadh, although we should remember that it's not about the winning but the taking part!

To ask who is likely to win, it's: Who will win? Cò bhuannaicheas?

I'm sure you'll be hoping that your chosen team will win. Bidh thu an dòchas gum buannaich iad. You'll be hoping that they'll win, gum buannaich iad.

Because there will likely be consequences if they don't: If they don't win, mura buannaich iad.

The other way of looking at this question is: Who will lose? Cò chailleas?

In Gaelic, to keep or retain is glèidh, but in a sporting context, it means to win. Glèidh.

Now, everyone hopes that their team will win and that they can finish the game:

Winning the game, a' glèidheadh a' gheama, agus chan eil faireachdainn coltach ris!