I think that we played very well!
Saoilidh mi gun do chluich sinn math dha–rìribh!
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Bha siud anabarrach math! Ach saoil dè cho math 's a chluich sinn?
That was extraordinarily good! But how well do you think we played?

Saoilidh mi gun do chluich sinn math dha–rìribh! Nach do dh'innis mi dhut gur e spòrs a bhiodh ann? Ach ged a chluich sinn gu math, cha do bhuannaich sinn.
I think that we played very well! Didn't I tell you that it would be fun? But even though we played well, we didn't win.

Am fear òg sin, MacAonghais? Thug esan buaidh air a' gheama, nach tug?
That young man, MacInnes? He made a difference to the game, didn't he?

Thug gu dearbh. Rug e air a' bhàl agus chaidh e aig astar suas a' phàirc. Fhuair esan tadhal a bha eireachdail.
He did indeed. He caught the ball and went up the park at some speed. He scored/got a goal that was just beautiful.

Agus rinn sinn oidhirp mhòr san dàrna leth, nach do rinn?
And we made a big effort in the second half, didn't we?

Rinn! Bha spionnadh annta san dàrna leth. Bhreab iad am bàl le barrachd neart an uair sin.
They did! They had oomph/enthusiasm [energy] in the second half. They kicked the ball with more strength then.

Agus am fear bàn, An Camshronach, bha esan caran lag, agus fìor shlaodach nuair a fhuair e am bàl.
And the fair–haired man, Cameron, he was quite weak, and very slow when he got the ball.

Tha mi leat, bha esan gu math truagh.
I agree, he was really poor.

Ach dè mu dheidhinn a' chluicheadair–aghaidh sin, MacDhòmhnaill? Fhuair esan cairt bhuidhe.
But what about that forward player, MacDonald? He got a yellow card.

Bha dùil agam gum faigheadh e cairt dhearg!
I thought he would get a red card!

Dìreach. Ach rinn an neach–gleidhidh obair mhòr. Bhuail am bàl am maide–tarsainn ach ghlac e gu furasta e agus shad e a–mach e ann am prioba na sùla.
Indeed. But the goalkeeper did tremendous work. The ball hit the crossbar but he caught it easily and threw it out in the blink of an eye.

Tha a' chainnt agad a–nis, a Mhàiri! Cairt uaine dhutsa!
You've got the lingo now, Màiri! A green card for you!