Other verbs

Gnìomhairean eile

Tha na gnìomhairean seo uile feumail airson aithris a dhèanamh air geama spòrs.

cluich! (v)
a' cluiche (vn)
sad! (v)
throw, thump!
a' sadadh (vn)
tuit! (v)
a' tuiteam (vn)
iomain! (v)
drive, propel!
ag iomain (vn)
driving, propelling
cuir casg air! (v)
prevent! / block!
a' cur casg air (vn)
preventing / blocking
thoir buaidh air! (v)
a' toirt buaidh air (vn)
Chluich sinn gu math, ach bha an sgioba nar n–aghaidh ro làidir.
We played well, but the team against us were too strong.
Fhuair an neach–gleidhidh grèim air a' bhàl is shad e a–mach e gu luath.
The goalkeeper got a hold of the ball and he threw it out quickly.
Saoilidh mise gun do thuit e fada ro fhurasta. 'S e daibh a bh' ann!
I think he fell far too easily. It was a dive!
Dh'fheuch iad, ach cha do chuir iad casg orra idir. Fhuair iad tadhal.
They tried, but they didn't prevent them at all. They scored a goal.
Thàinig esan far na beinge agus thug e buaidh air a' gheama sa bhad!
He came off the bench and had an impact on the game straight away!