Downwards and upwards and down and up

Suas is sìos agus shuas is shìos

We have talked about place, where things are, with:  suassìosclìdeas . We often use these words to say where somebody or something is on the  pàirc  (park) or  raon   spòrs  (sports field) or  raoncluiche  (playing field). Remember we use  suas  and  sìos with movement:  a' dol suasa' dol sìos . We use  shuas  and  shìos  to say whether someone or something is 'up' or 'down'.

If two nouns are used together then the second one takes the  possessive (genitive)  case:

meadhan na pàirce
middle of the park
oisean na pàirce
the corner of the park
oir na pàirce
the edge of the park
oisean a' bhogsa
the corner of the box
ceann shìos na pàirce
the bottom of the park
ceann shuas na pàirce
the top of the park
air an taobh dheas
on the right side
air an taobh chlì
on the left side

But if an adverb comes  before  the noun then the noun remains in the  nominal (nominative)  case:

(a' dol)suas a' phàirc(going)up the park
(a' dol)sìos a' phàirc(going)down the park