Take two: A free kick to France
An dàrna turas: Breab-saor don Fhraing
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

Tha na bunaitean agam. Dà sgioba a' ruith às dèidh a' bhàil agus ga bhreabadh a–steach gu cùl an lìn aig gach ceann dhen phàirc. Ach dè mu dhèidhinn nan loidhnichean a tha mi a' faicinn air feadh an àite?
I have the basics. Two teams running after a ball, and kicking it into the back of the net at each end of the park. But what about these lines I'm seeing everywhere?

Bidh gach sgioba a' dol suas a' phàirc. Aon uair 's gu bheil iad shuas, tha iad nas fhaisg air a' bhogsa. A bheil thu a' faicinn nan loidhnichean sin? Sin far am faigh iad cothrom ceart (air) tadhal fhaighinn.
Each side goes up the park. Once they're up, they're nearer the box. Do you see those lines? That's where they can get a good chance at getting a goal.

Ach am bi iad daonnan a' dol suas, no am bi iad a' dol sìos uair sam bith?
But do they always go up, or do they ever go down?

Bithidh, ma bhios iad a' feuchainn ri smachd fhaighinn air a' bhàl a–rithist; no ma bhios an neach–gleidhidh feumach air taic aig ceann shìos na pàirce leis gu bheil na cluicheadairean–aghaidh bhon sgioba eile a' tighinn dlùth.
They do, if they are trying to get control of the ball again; or if the goalkeeper needs assistance at the other end of the park because the forward players from the other team are coming [getting] close.

Seadh. Nach bi iad a' dèanamh iomlaid airson an dàrna leth ge–tà?
Uh–huh. But don't they swap for the second half, though?

Bidh gu dearbh, ach chan e sìos a bhios a sin an uair sin ach suas. Tha suas far a bheil an lìon, an lìon air a bheil iad ag amas.
They do indeed, but that's not down then, but up! Up is where the net is, the net at which they're aiming.

Tha mi a' tuigsinn! Ach na loidhnichean eile?
I get it! But the other lines?

Feumaidh am bàl a bhith taobh a–staigh nan loidhnichean air oir na pàirce no cuiridh an rèitire stad air a' gheama.
The ball has to be within the lines on the edge of the park or the referee will stop the game.

Siud an fhìdeag. Seall an rèitire.
There goes the whistle. Look at the referee.

Tha i toirt breab–saor don Fhraing leis gu bheil e follaiseach gun do chuir an cluicheadair Albannach am bàl thairis air an loidhne air oir na pàirce.
She's giving a free kick to France because it's obvious that the Scottish player put the ball over the line on the edge of the park.
