There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Aig a' gheama (At the game).
cluicheadair–aghaidh (m)
forward player
Cupa na Cruinne (m)
the World Cup
loidhne–dhìon (f)
line of defence
nàmhaid (m)
neach–dìon (m)
rèitire (m)
rugbaidh (m)
tadhal (m)
Let's look at some of them again in context.
Cha robh mi riamh ann an stèideam aig geama ball–coise.
I've never been to a football game in a stadium.
Tha Alba a' cluich an aghaidh na Frainge
Scotland are playing against France
Dàimheil aig aon àm …
Friendly at one time …
's e nàimhdean a bhios annta air a' phàirc a–nochd
they'll be enemies on the park tonight
cho luath ris a' ghaoith
as fast as the wind
cho clis ris an dealanach
as swift as lightning
cho seòlta ri sionnach
as wily as a fox
cho cruaidh ri creag
as hard as nails (a rock)
cho làidir ri each
as strong as a horse
cho luath ri geàrr
as fast as a hare
… a' ruith aig peilear a bheatha!
… running for dear life!
a' toirt ionnsaigh mhòr
making a big attack
We'll catch up with some more of these as we progress through this lesson.