Supporting a team

A' cumail taic ri sgioba

How do we support our team in Gaelic? We need some more vocabulary! In this section we'll learn some phrases we can use to support or encourage a player or team.

Siuthad Alba!
Come on Scotland!/Go Scotland!
Siuthadaibh a bhalachaibh!
Come on boys!/Go boys!
Siuthadaibh a chlann–nighean!
Come on girls!/Go girls!
Greasaibh oirbh!
Hurry up!
Dallaibh oirbh!
Get on with it/Get stuck in!
A–steach leis!
Into it/him!
Ciamar a tha a' dol dhuinn?
How are we getting on?
✅Tha glè mhath.
Very well.
⛔Chan eil ro mhath.
Not too great.
Dè tha iad a' dèanamh?
What are they doing?
Cò aige tha brath!
Who knows!
'S beag a dh'fhios!
Who knows!
Carson a dhèanadh iad sin?
Why would they do that?
Carson nach dèanadh?
Why would they not (do)?

If we are supporting a team, we have to know who is playing against our team. We need another compound preposition to do that.