At the game
Aig a' gheama
Deiseil? | Ready?
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- a' bruidhinn mu spòrs agus na tha a' tachairt ann an geama | talking about sport and what happens in a game
You will also learn about:
- roimhearan fillte: A DH'IONNSAIGH, AN AGHAIDH, OS CIONN, AN ÀITE, ÀS DÈIDH a–rithist | Compound prepositions: A DH'IONNSAIGH, AN AGHAIDH, OS CIONN, AN ÀITE, ÀS DÈIDH again
- roimhearan fillte le buadhairean sealbhach: NAR N–AGHAIDH | compound prepositions with possessive adjectives
Thug iad aghaidh am buill 's an camain air.
They turned all their force against him [lit. they turned their balls and shinty clubs on him].