How do we support our team in Gaelic? We need some more vocabulary! In this section we’ll learn some phrases we can use to support or encourage a player or team.
Siuthad Alba!
Come on Scotland!/Go Scotland!
Siuthadaibh a bhalachaibh!
Come on boys!/Go boys!
Siuthadaibh a chlann–nighean!
Come on girls!/Go girls!
Greasaibh oirbh!
Hurry up!
Dallaibh oirbh!
Get on with it/Get stuck in!
A–steach leis!
Into it/him!
Ciamar a tha a’ dol dhuinn?
How are we getting on?
✅Tha glè mhath.
Very well.
⛔Chan eil ro mhath.
Not too great.
Dè tha iad a’ dèanamh?
What are they doing?
Cò aige tha brath!
Who knows!
‘S beag a dh’fhios!
Who knows!
Carson a dhèanadh iad sin?
Why would they do that?
Carson nach dèanadh?
Why would they not (do)?
If we are supporting a team, we have to know who is playing against our team. We need another compound preposition to do that.