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Tha sin fada ro dhaor! 

That's far too expensive!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Innis dhomh! Tell me!
Innis dhut? Dè? Tell you? What?
Dè tha e a’ cosg? Am flat agad? What does it cost? Your flat?
Chan eil ach £400 gach mìos. Only £400 a [each] month.
A bheil thu a’ tarraing asam? Tha sin fada ro dhaor! Are you kidding me? That’s far too expensive!
Mura robh cosgaisean bith–beò air a dhol suas gu mòr, cha bhiodh sin daor idir. Nuair a bha mi ann an toiseach, cha robh e daor idir. Dh’fhuirich mi ann am mòran àitichean–fuirich roimhe a bha a cheart cho daor. If the cost of living hadn’t gone up so much, that wouldn’t be dear at all. When I was there at first, it wasn’t dear at all. I stayed in lots of places [accommodation ] before that were just as dear.
Uill, ‘s ann agad a tha fios. Ach ‘s tu fhèin a thuirt e: tha cosgaisean bith–beò air a dhol suas agus chan eil e san amharc gun tuit iad uaireigin a dh’aithghearr. Well, you know best. But you said it yourself: the cost of living has gone up and there’s no prospect that it will fall anytime soon.
Tha fios ’am. Uill dè mu dheidhinn an taigh air mhàl a dh’ainmich thu. Dè tha sin a’ cosg? I know. Well, what about that house for rent you mentioned. What does that cost?
Tha e a’ cosg £400 gach mìos. It costs £400 a [each] month.
An aon phrìs ach airson taigh! Ma bhios mi a’ pàigheadh sin gach mìos agus ma thig cuideigin a–steach a dh’fhuiricheas còmhla rium, ‘s e sàbhaladh uarraidh (mòr) a bhiodh a sin, agus b’ urrainn dhomh airgead a chaomhnadh airson morgaids The same price but for a house! If I pay that every month, and if someone comes in who will stay [live] with me, that would be a huge saving, and I could save money for a mortgage.
Sin agad e! There you have it!
Ma tha an taigh sin fhathast ri fhaighinn, bhiodh ùidh agam ann. If that house is still available, I’d be interested in it.