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Complete for 2 points

Ma bhios sùil gheur agad … 

If you have a keen eye …

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

An do cheannaich thu taigh a–riamh roimhe seo? Have you bought a house before now?
Cha do cheannaich. No I haven’t [bought].
An do thog thu taigh a–riamh roimhe seo? Bidh mòran dhaoine a’ dèanamh sin na làithean seo. Have you ever built a house before now? Lots of people do that nowadays.
Uill, mar a thachair e, thog an teaghlach againn taigh anns a’ ghàrradh—tha gàrradh mòr aca—agus thug mi taic dhaibh. Well, as it happened, our family built a house in the garden—they have a big garden—and I helped them.
Tha sin inntinneach. Ged a bhios mi a’ pacadh an–dràsta agus a’ gluasad a–mach às a’ flat an ath-sheachdain, bhiodh ùidh agam ann an leithid de rud. That’s interesting. Even though I’m packing now and moving out of the flat next week, I’d be interested in this kind of thing.
An togadh tu fhèin taigh, ma–thà, nam biodh pìos fearainn no beagan airgid agad—no an dà chuid (agad)? Would you build a house, then, if you had a bit of land or a little bit of money—or both?
Thogadh. Thogainn taigh sa bhad, nam biodh beagan airgid is pìos fearainn agam. I would [build]. I would build a house in an instant, if I had a little money and a piece of land.
Uill, tha cothroman ann ma bhios sùil gheur agad. Well, there are opportunities if you have a keen eye.
An reiceadh an teaghlach agad an taigh a thog iad? Would your family sell the house they built?
Reic iad an taigh an–uiridh, agus a bheil fios agad? They sold the house last year, and do you know what?
Chan eil fhios agam. Dè? I don’t know. What?
Cheannaich iad pìos fearainn eile bho ar nàbaidh agus tha iad a’ dèanamh deiseil airson taigh eile a thogail! They bought a piece of land from our neighbour, and they’re getting ready to build another house!