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Complete for 2 points

Ri taobh an stèisean–smalaidh? 

Beside the fire station?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Tha mi cho toilichte fhaicinn gu bheil thu nas fheàrr.  I’m so pleased to see that you are better.
Tapadh leat, a Mhàiri. Tha mi mòran nas fheàrr, ach bheir e ùine. Thanks, Màiri. I’m much better, but it will take time.
A bheil thu a’ dol air ais a dh’obair a dh’aithghearr? Are you going back to work soon?
Chan eil an–dràsta. An dèidh na thachair, chaidh mi dhachaigh dhan Òban airson greiseag. Fhuair mi àite–fuirich faisg air an teaghlach. ‘S e taigh air mhàl a bh’ ann, gun staidhre! Not just now. After what happened, I went home to Oban for a spell. I got accommodation near to the family. It was a rented house, without a stair!
Tha mi eòlach air an Oban, càite an robh thu a’ fuireach an sin? I know Oban, where were you staying there?
A bheil fhios agad far a bheil an dachaigh–cùraim, an tè ri taobh na sgoile ùire? Do you know where the care home is, the one beside the new school?
Tha gu dearbh. Tha fios ’am far a bheil sin. Ri taobh an stèisean–smalaidh? Mu choinneamh an ospadail? I do indeed. I know where that is. Beside the fire station? Opposite the hospital?
Sin e. Uill, dìreach air a chùlaibh. That’s it. Well, just behind it.
An do chòrd sin riut? Did you like it [lit. did it agree with you]?
Chòrd, ach bha mi deiseil airson falbh an dèidh beagan sheachdainean.  I did [it did], but I was ready for leaving after a few weeks.
Tuigidh mi sin! I get that [lit. I will understand that]!
Ach chan eil mi airson a dhol air ais a Ghlaschu, dhan flat. Chunnaic mi taigh air mhàl, agus tè eile, taigh ri reic ann am baile beag eadar Glaschu is Dùn Èideann. ‘S dòcha gum biodh taigheadas an sin na bu fhreagarraiche dhomh aig an ìre seo. But I don’t want to go back to Glasgow, to the flat. I saw a house for rent and another one, a house for sale, in a small town between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Maybe housing there would be more appropriate for me at this stage.