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Places to Stay or Live

Housing is an important subject. We’ll be looking at taigheadas (housing) and introducing some more advanced vocabulary and phrases used to discuss living arrangements. 

taigheadas (m)


flat(aichean) (m)

flat, apartment(s)

àite–fuirich (m)


taigh–còmhnaidh (m)


taigh–cùraim (m)

care home

taigh–samhraidh (m)

a summer house

taigh air mhàl

rented house

seòmar air mhàl

rented room

taigh ri reic

a house for sale

taigh–màil (m)

rental house

Let’s add to that list with some words and phrases from the conversation. 

dachaigh–cùraim (f)

care home

stèisean–smalaidh (m)

fire station

gun staidhre

without a stair (without stairs)

mu choinneamh an ospadail

opposite the hospital

Càite an robh thu a’ fuireach an sin?

Where were you staying there?

Tha fios ’am far a bheil sin.

I know where that is.

ann am baile beag eadar Glaschu is Dùn Èideann

in a small town between Glaschu and Edinburgh

‘S dòcha gum biodh taigheadas an sin na bu fhreagarraiche dhomh aig an ìre seo.

Maybe housing there would be more appropriate for me at this stage.

An ceannaicheadh tu an taigh sin?

Would you buy that house?

Am bu toil leat fuireach ann an àite mar seo?

Would you like to live in a place like this?

Dè b’ fheàrr leatsa, baile beag no baile mòr?

Which would you prefer, a small town/village or a city?


Is fheàrr aon taigh air a nighe na dhà dheug air an sguabadh!

Better one house washed than twelve swept!