There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about housing.
Pìos fearainn
A piece of (bit of) land
Beagan airgid
A little bit of money
An togadh tu fhèin taigh …
Would you (yourself) build a house …
… nam biodh pìos fearainn no beagan airgid agad?
… if you had a bit of land or a little bit of money?
Tha cothroman ann ma bhios sùil gheur agad
There are opportunities if you have a keen eye
We saw an tràth cumhach (the conditional tense) with irregular verbs rach and thig in Cuspair 2. We’ll look here at regular verbs in the conditional tense.
Would you build?
To form the conditional tense of regular verbs, we add the ending –adh or –eadh to the root form of the verb, following the broad to broad, slender to slender spelling rule. Just like in the past tense, the independent form is lenited where possible, and a dh’ is added to verbs beginning with a vowel or f + vowel.
tog + adh | thogadh |
ceannaich+ eadh | cheannaicheadh |
imrich + eadh | dh‘imricheadh |
fuirich+ eadh | dh‘fhuiricheadh |
Question and negative forms aren’t lenited except where this is caused by Cha.
Tog! | a’ togail
Raise, build, lift! | raising
An togadh?
Would raise?
Nach togadh?
Wouldn’t raise?
Would raise
Cha togadh
Wouldn’t raise
I would raise
We would raise
Ceannaich! | a’ ceannach
Buy! | buying
An ceannaicheadh?
Would buy?
Nach ceannaicheadh?
Wouldn’t buy?
Would buy
Cha cheannaicheadh
Wouldn’t buy
I would buy
We would buy
Imrich! | ag imrich
Flit, move! | flitting
An imricheadh?
Would flit?
Nach imricheadh
Wouldn’t flit?
Would flit
Chan imricheadh
Wouldn’t flit
I would flit
We would flit
Am fuiricheadh?
Would stay?
Nach fuiricheadh?
Wouldn’t stay?
Would stay
Chan fhuiricheadh
Wouldn’t stay
I would stay
We would stay
Am pàigheadh tu mìle not gach mìos airson taigh air mhàl?
Would you pay a thousand pounds a month for a rented house?
An togadh e taigh anns an eilean ma tha croit aige?
Would he build a house on the island if he has a croft?
Thogamaid taigh anns an Fhraing gun dragh sam bith!
We would build a house in France without a problem!
Chan imrichinn dhan Spàinn, tha e fada ro theth dhòmhsa!
I wouldn’t move to Spain, it’s far too hot for me!
An lorgadh tu àite–fuirich idir anns an Eilean Sgitheanach?
Would you look for a house in Skye at all?
Cheannaicheadh iad taigh sa bhad nam biodh an t–airgead aca.
They would buy a house right a way if they had the money.