Complete for 2 points

Tha mi a' sgrìobhadh reasabaidh ùr 

I am writing a new recipe

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Halò, Iain. Dè tha thu ris? An ann a’ fuine no a’ còcaireachd a tha thu an–dràsta? Hallo, John. What you are doing/up to? Are you [is it] baking or cooking [that you are] just now?
Bidh mi a’ fuine an–dràsta agus a’ còcaireachd feasgar an–diugh, leis gum bi Anna agus Fionnlagh a’ tighinn gu dinnear—agus thu fhèin! An toiseach, ge–tà, tha mi a’ sgrìobhadh reasabaidh ùr bho reasabaidh mo mhàthar. I’ll be baking this morning and cooking in the afternoon, because Anna and Finlay are coming to dinner—and yourself! First, though, I’m writing a new recipe from my mother’s recipe.
Dè an reasabaidh a th’ ann? What is the recipe?
‘S e reasabaidh airson cèic Madeira a th’ ann. Bidh feum agam air mòran ghrìtheidean ach chan eil a h–uile nì agam a–staigh. Feumaidh mi dhol a–mach dha na bùithtean airson cuid dhiubh. It’s a recipe for Madeira cake. I need many ingredients but I don’t have everything in (at home). I’ll have to go out to the shops for some of them.
Tha e ag ràdh an seo: bidh feum agad air trì buidheagain. A bheil uighean agad a–staigh? It says here: you will need three egg yolks. Do you have eggs [in/at home]?
Tha. Seo na rudan a th’ agam a–staigh: ìm; min–fhlùr: feumaidh mi dà cheud gram dhen sin; min–maoise—feumaidh mi leth–cheud/caogad gram. Agus feumaidh mi ceud gu leth gram de shiùcar, agus craiteachan de shalann. I do. here are the things I have: butter, flour—I need two hundred grams of that; cornflour—I need fifty grams [of that]. And I need a hundred and fifty grams of sugar, and a sprinkling of salt.
Glè mhath. Na dìochuimhnich am bainne! Feumaidh tu caogad mililiotair de bhainne. Very good. Don’t forget the milk! You need fifty millilitres of milk.
Tha sin ceart gu leòr. Tha sin agam sa frids/san fhuaradair. That’s alright. I have that in the fridge.
Uabhasach math! Dè nach eil agad, ma–thà? Very good! What don’t you have, then?
Chan eil mòran. Feumaidh mi a dhol don bhùth airson brìgh bhanilla: chan fheum mi ach spàin–tì, ach tha i blasta. Agus bidh mi ag iarraidh blas geur cuideachd: airson sin, feumaidh mi rùsg liomaide. Not much. I have to go to the shop for vanilla essence: I only need [don’t need but] a teaspoonful, but it’s tasty. And I’ll need a little bit of a bitter taste; for that I need lemon rind.