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Bilingual transcription: Còcaireachd 

Bilingual transcription: Cooking

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases. 


Tha prògram gu math làn air a bhith againn, agus ‘s fheàrr sùil a thoirt air cuid de na dh’ionnsaich sinn.

Baking is a’ fuine, a’ fuine. 

If something is salty, it’s saillte, saillte, and if it’s too salty, it’s ro shaillte, ro shaillte. 

If something is sweet, it’s 

Milis, milis, but if it’s too sweet, it’s ro mhilis, ro mhilis. 

Mixing is a’ measgachadh, measgachadh and  

kneading is a’ taoisneachadh, a’ taoisneachadh. 

We also learned that when hosting a meal for friends, you’ll perhaps put together a menu with the first course or starter, a’ chiad chùrsa, a’ chiad chùrsa, followed by the main course, am prìomh chùrsa, am prìomh chùrsa, and finally, the pudding, mìlsean, mìlsean.