Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Clàr–bìdh airson dinnear na h–oidhche nochd 

Take two: A menu for tonight's dinner

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Nise, Iain, dè bhios againn a–nis? Now, John, what do have now?
Tha mi a’ cur clàr–bìdh ri chèile airson dinnear na h–oidhche nochd. Bidh trì cùrsaichean againn—agus cèic! I am putting together a menu for tonight’s dinner. We’ll have three courses—and cake!
Trì cùrsaichean, agus cèic! Bidh sinn air ar milleadh! Dè bhios againn airson a’ chiad chùrsa? Three courses, and cake! We’ll be spoiled! What will we have for the first course?
Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun dèanainn brot airson a’ chiad chùrsa, ach shaoil mi gum biodh sin ro throm. Nan tòisicheamaid le sailead de leatas, siobannan agus tomàtothan, bhiodh blas ùr is fionnar againn. Agus nan cuireamaid aran ùr agus bradan smocte ri sin bhiodh sinn deiseil airson a’ phrìomh chùrsa. I was thinking that I would make soup for the first course, but I thought that would be too heavy. If we were to start with a salad of lettuce, spring onions and tomatoes, we’d have a fresh cool taste/flavour. And if we were to add fresh bread and smoked salmon to that we would be ready for the the main course.
Deagh smuain! Leis gur e glasraichear a th’ annam, chòrdadh sin riumsa—ach am bradan! Good idea! Because I’m a vegetarian, I’d enjoy that—apart from the salmon!
Cha do smaoinich mi. Saoil an e glasraichear no bhìogan a th’ ann an Anna no Fionnlagh? I didn’t think. I wonder if Anna or Finlay are vegetarian or vegan?
Chunnaic mi Anna is Fionnlagh ag ithe taigeis is sliseagan aig a’ Mhòd an-uiridh, ach cuiridh mi teacsa thuca an–dràsta airson a bhith cinnteach. I saw Anna and Finlay eating haggis and chips at the Mod last year, but I’ll send them a text just now to make sure.
Glè mhath. Ach leis gur e glasraichear a th’ annad, am b’ fheàrr leat chilli non carne—no tiolaidh gun fheòil—airson a’ phrìomh chùrsa? Very good. But as you’re a vegetarian, would you prefer chilli non carne—chilli without meat—for the main course?
Nam b’ urrainn dhut sin a dhèanamh bhiodh sin uabhasach math. Tha tiolaidh gun fheòil blasta, spìosrach ach sàthach cuideachd. Nan tigeadh tu gu dinnear còmhla riumsa, ‘s e tiolaidh làidir a gheibheadh tu! If you could do that, that would be terribly good. Chilli non carne is tasty, spicy but filling as well. If you were to come to dinner with me, you’d get a strong chilli [it’s a strong chilli that you’d get]!
Nì sinn sin uair eile! Cha bu toil leam tiolaidh ro làidir a dhèanamh a–nochd. We’ll do that another time! I wouldn’t like to make too strong a chilli tonight.
Ceart ma–thà. Nise, dè dhèanadh tu airson mìlsean? OK then. Now, what would you make for dessert?
Dè eile a thig le tiolaidh ach uachdar–reòite le boinneag de shabhs sheòclaid! What else will go with chilli but ice cream with a drop of chocolate sauce!