Complete for 2 points

Rudan milis agus biadh spìosrach 

Sweet things and spicy food

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

An do chòrd am blasad dhen chèic sin riut? Did you enjoy that taste of the cake?
Chòrd. Bha i milis, ach cha robh i ro mhilis. I did. It was sweet, but it wasn’t too sweet.
Bha blas searbh na liomaide ann gun a bhith ro làidir. There was a bitter taste from the lemon but it wasn’t too strong.
Agus air sgàth nan uighean agus na min–fhlùir bha a’ chèic aotrom, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. And because of the eggs and the cornflour, the cake was light, I think.
Bha i aotrom ceart gu leòr. Bu toil leam a’ chèic seo ithe agus tè eile a dhèanamh a–rithist! You’re right. It was light indeed. I would like to eat this cake and make another one again!
Mar sin, tha fios againn gu bheil thu dèidheil air cèic. Ach dè am biadh as fheàrr leat? So, we know that you are fond of cake. But what’s your favourite food?
‘S toil leam rudan milis, ach ‘s fheàrr leam biadh spìosrach, gu h–àraid coiridhean. Dè am biadh as fheàrr leat fhèin? I like sweet things, but I prefer spicy food, especially curries. What is your favourite food?
‘S toil leam coiridhean is biadh spìosrach cuideachd, ach ‘s fheàrr leamsa rudan tha saillte, no blasan geura mar uinneanan amha le càise làidir! I like curries and spicy food as well, but I prefer things which are salty, or sharp tastes like raw onions with strong cheese!
Abair blasan làidir! Nach toil leat biadh sam bith a tha plèin? What strong flavours! Don’t you like anything that’s plain?