Complete for 2 points

Feumaidh sinn an sabhs a chur ris

We'll have to add the sauce

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

A bheil thu air salann a chur ann? Have you put salt in it?
Tha, ach feumaidh mi piobar a chur ris. Agus feumaidh mi glasraich a chur ris an t–sailead cuideachd. Yes, but I need to put pepper in it. And I need to put vegetables in the salad too.
Agus feumaidh sinn sabhs a dhèanamh airson a’ mhìlsein. And we need to make a sauce for the pudding.
Bha mi air dìochuimhneachadh mun a sin! Feumaidh sinn an sabhs a chur ris dìreach mus ith sinn. I had forgotten about that! We have to add the sauce just before we eat.
Seall! Seo iad a’ tighinn. Look! Here they are coming.
Sin sibh, a chàirdean!  There you are, friends!
A Mhàiri, tha mi a’ faireachadh fàileadh blasta a’ tighinn às a’ chidsin. Dè a tha thu air còcaireachd? Màiri, I am smelling a tasty smell coming from the kitchen. What have you cooked?
Chan e mise a th’ air a bhith a’ còcaireachd ach Iain—le beagan taic bhuam. Tha mi air am mìlsean a dhèanamh, ge–tà. It’s not me who has been cooking, but John—with a little help from me. I have made the dessert, though.
Sgoinneil! Tha mi air bhioran. Excellent. I’m [so] excited.
Agus tha mi air cèic a dhèanamh cuideachd. Am bi rùm gu leòr agaibh airson sin? And I have made cake as well. Will you have room for that?
Nach eil fhios agad gum bi! Don’t you know we will!