Bilingual transcription: Cooking
Bilingual transcription: Còcaireachd
Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.
Tha prògram gu math làn air a bhith againn, agus 's fheàrr sùil a thoirt air cuid de na dh'ionnsaich sinn.
Baking isa' fuine , a' fuine.
If something is salty, it's saillte , saillte, and if it's too salty, it's ro shaillte , ro shaillte.
If something is sweet, it's
Milis , milis, but if it's too sweet, it's ro mhilis , ro mhilis .
Mixing is a' measgachadh , measgachadh and
kneading is a' taoisneachadh , a' taoisneachadh.
We also learned that when hosting a meal for friends, you'll perhaps put together a menu with the first course or starter, a' chiad chùrsa , a' chiad chùrsa, followed by the main course, am prìomh chùrsa , am prìomh chùrsa, and finally, the pudding, mìlsean , mìlsean.