Complete for 2 points

Ann am bobhla mòr buail … 

In a big bowl beat …

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. Have fun! 

Ann am bobhla mòr buail

In a big bowl beat

an siùcar, an t–ìm agus an t–siorap am measg a chèile

the sugar, the butter and the syrup together

da ùgh, 200g siùcar castoir agus 150g ìm

two eggs, 200g of caster sugar and 150g of butter

trì gealagain, 350g siùcar fùdair agus spàin–bhùird bainne

three egg whites, 350g of icing sugar and a tablespoon of milk

sia buidheagain, cupa siùcair agus cupa bainne

six egg yolks, one cup of sugar and one cup of milk

na grìtheidean lionnach a–steach dhan mhin–fhlùir

the liquid ingredients into the flour

na h–uighean agus an t–ìm am measg a chèile

the eggs and the butter together

dà spàin mhòr uisge agus trì spàintean–bùird min–maoise

two large spoons of water and three tablespoons of cornflour

gus am fàs iad aotrom is mìn.

until they are light and fine.