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Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: A bheil morgaids agad air an taigh? 

Take two: Do you have a mortgage on the house?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.  

Tha mo shròn a’ cur dragh orm. Dè a’ phrìs–reic a bh’ air an taigh a cheannaich thu? My nose is bothering me. What was the sale price of the house you bought?
Uill cha bu toil leam a ràdh! Ach cha robh e ro dhaor dhomh. Well, I wouldn’t like to say! But it wasn’t too dear for me.
A bheil morgaids agad air an taigh, ma–thà? Do you have a mortgage on the house, then?
Nach eil fhios agad gu bheil! Tha e a’ cosg faisg air £800! Of course I do! [lit. don’t you know that I do]! It costs almost £800.
Abair e. £800 gach mìos? Gun ghuth air cìsean, dealan is teasachadh agus a h–uile rud eile? Wow! £800 each month? Not to mention taxes, electricity and heating and everything else?
Dìreach. Ach chan eil sin ro dhaor. Ged a tha e nas daoire aig an ìre seo, bidh taigh agus dachaigh agam aig a’ cheann thall. Indeed. But that’s not too dear. Even though it’s dearer at this point, I’ll have a house and a home at the end of it.
Tha thu ceart a sin. You’re so right [lit. you’re right, there].
Smaoinich! Am flat agadsa, a bheil thu a’ gabhail an àite air mhàl? Just think! Your flat, do you rent the place?
Nach eil fhios agad gu bheil. Ach tha e cofhurtail, freagarrach, agus nas fheàrr na na flataichean eile san taigh sin.  Don’t you know that I do. But it’s comfortable, suitable and better than the other flats in that house.
Uill, saoilidh mi nach biodh tu fhathast ann nam biodh e mì–chofhurtail agus mì–fhreagarrach! Ach dè tha thu a’ pàigheadh, uile gu lèir? Well, I think you wouldn’t still be there if it was uncomfortable, unsuitable! But what are you paying, altogether?
Uill, mar a thuirt thu fhèin, cha bu toil leam a ràdh!  Well, as you said yourself, I wouldn’t like to say!
Nach biodh e na b’ fhearr àite–fuirich a lorg a cheannaicheadh tu? Tha sin nas fheàrr na bhith a’ cur an airgid agad ann an spògan uachdarain. Wouldn’t it be better to find a place to stay [accommodation] that you could buy? That’s better than putting your money in the paws of a landlord. 
Tha fios ’am. I know.