Do you think they would take a look at …
Saoil an toireadh iad sùil air …
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
Do you think
an tug iad sùil
that they took a look
an toir iad sùil
they will take a look
air an dealbh–chluich a sgrìobh i?
at the play she wrote?
An toireamaid
Would/Could/Shall we take
An toirinn
Would/Could/Shall I take
An toireadh iad
Would they take
An toireadh i
Would she take
Nach toireamaid
Wouldn’t/Couldn’t we take
Nach toirinn
Wouldn’t/Couldn’t I take
sùil air na prìsean sa chiad dol a–mach?
a look at the prices first?
We would take/Let us take
I would take/let me take
Bheireadh iad
They would take
Bheireadh i
She would take
Cha toireamaid
We wouldn’t take
Cha toirinn
I wouldn’t take
sùil air a' chlàr–ama aig toiseach gnothaich.
a look at the timetable first of all.