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A’ Bhodhaig

Complete for 2 points

Abair naidheachd!

What news!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha e cho math d’ fhaicinn, a Mhàiri, ged is ann san ospadal a tha sinn! It’s so good to see you, Màiri, even though it’s in the hospital (that we are)!
Tha e math d’ fhaicinn–sa, cuideachd, Iain. Dè tha gad fhàgail an seo an–diugh? It’s good to see you as well, John. What brings [lit. leaves] you here today?
‘S e am fradharc agam. Tha trioblaidean air a bhith agam, agus tha iad a’ toirt sùil air, mar gum biodh! It’s my eyesight. I’ve had difficulties, and they’re going to take a look at it, as it were!
Thug iad sùil air a’ chlaisneachd agamsa is iomadh rud eile. Bha tubaist agam nuair a bha mi a’ cluich iomain! They looked at my hearing and many other things. I had an accident when I was playing shinty!
A thìochdais! A bheil thu ceart gu leòr? Goodness! Are you alright?
Och, tha, ach thuirt iad rium gun toireadh iad sùil eile oirre an ath-sheachdain. Mar sin, feumaidh mi tilleadh. Och, I am, but they said to me that they’d take another look at it next week. So I’m having to come back in.
Nach toireadh an dotair agad fhèin sùil oirre? Couldn’t your own doctor take another look at it?
Cha toireadh. Tha an t–ospadal airson sùil gheur a chumail oirre, gum bi cùisean mar bu chòir. Aon uair ‘s gu bheil thu a–mach à sealladh, cò aige tha fios dè thachras! They won’t. The hospital want to keep a close [keen] eye on it, to be sure that things are as they should be. As soon as you’re out of sight, who knows what can happen!
Sin e, dìreach. That’s it, right enough.
Co–dhiù, dè tha thu ris na làithean seo? Anyway, what are you up to these days?
Uill, tha mi air an obair agam fhàgail. Well, I’ve left my work.
Abair naidheachd! Agus dè tha san amharc dhut a–nis? What news! And what’s next for you now [lit. what’s What’s in prospect for you]?