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A’ Bhodhaig

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Bilingual transcription: A' Bhodhaig

Bilingual transcription: The body

Seadh ma-thà, ciamar a tha a’ dol dhut leis a’ chùrsa chiùil?

Bha Etta ag ràdh gu bheil thu trang.

(Well then, how are you getting on with your music course?

Etta was saying you were busy.)

Tha mi trang. Tha mo chorragan trang a’ cluich agus a’ sgrìobhadh – feumaidh mi m’ eanchainn a chumail air ghleus.

Bidh cuirm-chiùil na colaiste ann aig deireadh an t-semeastair seo.

Tha mo cheann goirt dìreach a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn.

(I am busy. The fingers are busy playing and writing but I prefer playing than writing. The college concert will be held at the end of this semester.  My head hurts just thinking about it.)

Bidh mo cheann-sa goirt a’ smaoineachadh mun obair rianachd anns an ionad!

(My head hurts thinking about the paperwork in the hub!)

Nach bi do cheann goirt ag èisteachd ri Etta fad an latha?

(Does your head not hurt listening to Etta all day long?)

Nach ist thu! Tha i còir agus èasgaidh, agus cho fallain ri fiadh aig a h-aois.

Agus chan eil i san oifis ach trì latha!

(Be quiet!  Etta is lovely and efficient, and as fit as a fiddle for her age.  And, she’s only in the office three days!)

Na can càil rithe mu a h-aois no bheir i an ceann dhìot!

(Don’t mention her age or she’ll bite your head off!)

Bidh i ag ràdh rium gu bheil mi a’ coimhead tapaidh, ach tha fios againn dè tha sin a’ ciallachadh.

(She tells me I look healthy, but we all know what that means.)

Sin Etta! Tha i èasgaidh air a teanga. Bidh i a’ bruidhinn gun smaoineachadh.

(That’s Etta! She’s quick with her tongue.  She speaks without thinking.)

Tha i ceart ge-tà. Feumaidh mi fàs nas fhallaine agus barrachd eacarsaich a dhèanamh mar a b’ àbhaist dhomh gus am bi mi fhìn cho fallain ri fiadh!

(She’s right.  I need to get fitter and do more exercise like I used to so that I’ll be as fit as a fiddle.)

Rinn thu math an-diugh. A bheil do ghlùin nas fheàrr?

(You did well today.  Is your knee better?)

Tha i tòrr nas fheàrr, taing.

(Much better, thank you.)

Ciamar a ghoirtich thu i?

(How did you hurt it?)

Ghoirtich mi i a’ cluiche iomain.

Chan eil e air a bhith furasta eacarsaich a dhèanamh.

Ach tha Etta ceart, tha mi feumach air beagan dhen bhrù seo a chall.

(I hurt it playing shinty.  It’s not been easy to exercise.  But Etta is right, I need to lose some of this belly.)

Bidh Etta ag ràdh gu bheil mise ro thana.

Sin a bhios i ag ràdh nuair a bhios i a’ cur buntàta no dhà eile air mo thruinnsear!

(Etta says I’m too thin.  That’s what she says when she puts another potato or two onto my plate!)

Tha e math a bhith a’ faighinn a-mach.

Tha e a’ dèanamh feum dhan bhodhaig agus dhan cheann.

(It’s good to get out.  It helps the body and the head.)

Bha mi glè mheasail air coiseachd nam monaidhean còmhla ri m’ athair.

Agus chluich mi rugbaidh san sgoil.

Ach feumaidh mi iad seo a chumail slàn.

Cha bhi mòran feum anns na corragan ma sheasas cuideigin orra ann an scrum.

(I used to enjoy hillwalking with my father.  And I played rugby in school. But I need to keep these intact.  The fingers will be no use if someone stands on them in a scrum.)

Thoir sùil a bheil fiosrachadh mu chlasaichean eacarsaich anns an ionad.

(Have a look to see if there’s information about exercise classes in the hub.)

Bheir mi sùil an ath thuras a thèid mi a-steach.

Thug mi sùil air a’ bhalla anns an àite-còmhnaidh ach cha robh mòran an sin.

A bheil thusa airson barrachd eacarsaich a dhèanamh?

(I’ll have a look the next time I go in.  I had a look at the wall in the halls of residence but there wasn’t much there.  Are you wanting to do more exercise?)

Tha mi am beachd a dhol gu clas Pilates.

(I’m thinking of going to a pilates class.)



Seadh, tha e math airson an droma agus airson sùbailteachd.

(Yes, it’s good for the back and flexibility.)

‘S fheàrr dhòmhsa gluasad mus fàs na glùinean rag a-rithist.

Chì mi a dh’aithghearr thu.


(I’d better move or the knees will stiffen up again.  I’ll see you later.)