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A’ Bhodhaig

Cuidich sinn le làrach-lìn SpeakGaelic | Help us with the SpeakGaelic website

Complete for 2 points

Tha mo cheann goirt …

My head is sore …

Look at the sentences below and try out the different answers. Have fun!

Tha mo cheann goirt air sgàth ‘s …

My head is sore because …

gun do dh’òl mi cus feasgar an–dè.

I drank too much yesterday evening.

nach do chaidil mi gu math a–raoir.

I didn’t sleep well last night.

gu bheil mìograin orm.

I have a migraine.

nach do dh’òl mi uisge gu leòr an–diugh.

I didn’t drink enough water today.

nach do dh’ith mi gu leòr an–diugh.

I didn’t eat enough today.

nach do chuir mi orm a’ chlogaid agam.

I didn’t put on my helmet.

gu bheil an tinneas tuiteamach orm.

I have epilepsy.

gu bheil an cnatan orm.

I have the cold.

gu bheil m’ fhradharc a’ dèanamh dragh dhomh.

my eyesight is bothering me.