Looking at

A' toirt sùil air

There were a few words and phrases in the conversation there which you can use when talking about the body. Thoir an aire (watch out for them) as we go through this lesson.

An toir sibh sùil air?

Will you take a look at?

A very commonly used idiomatic phrase which uses a part of the body, is  Thoir sùil air  (Take a look at [literally 'Take an eye on']. This phrase is often used rather than the verbs  seall air  (look at) or  coimhead air  (watch). We can use this phrase in the different  tràthan  (tenses) of the irregular verb  thoir  (bring, give) that we've learned. Let's take a look again at  thoir :

thoir! | a' toirt
bring!, give! | bringing, giving
an tug?
did bring, give?
nach tug?
didn't bring?
brought, gave
cha tug
didn't bring, give
… gun tug
… that brought, gave
… nach tug
… that didn't bring, give
an toir?
will/do bring, get?
nach toir?
won't/don't bring, get?
will/do bring, get
cha toir
won't/don't bring, get
… gun toir
… that brings, will bring, give
… nach toir
… that won't bring, give
An tug sibh sùil air a' flat fhathast?
Did you take a look at the flat yet?
Cha tug fhathast, ach bheir mise sùil a' chiad char sa mhadainn.
Not yet, but I will take a look at it first thing in the morning.
An toir thu sùil air a' chuibhle sa mhadainn cuideachd?
Will you take a look at the wheel in the morning as well?
Cha toir, cha bhi ùine agam, ach bheir mi sùil air a' flat.
No, I won't have time, but I'll look at the flat.