Bilingual transcription: The body
Bilingual transcription: A’ Bhodhaig
Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.
This time it's a look back at: the body .
Uill, fhuair ar sùilean, ar cluasan agus ar cinn eacarsaich gu leòr an-diugh, nach d’ fhuair? San dealachadh, nach toir sinn sùil air ais tro chuid dhen ionnsachadh.
To ask whether something is sore, your head for example:
A bheil / ceann goirt ort? A bheil ceann goirt ort?
If you want to say that a certain part of your body is sore, such as your knee, it’s:
Tha / mo ghlùin / goirt Tha mo ghlùin goirt!
We've learned some idioms featuring the body – he took it in the nose, he was offended:
Ghabh e / san t‑sròin e! Ghabh e san t‑sròin e!
You should also be familiar with the phrase Look at it:
Thoir sùil air , thoir sùil air; and I'll take a look at it,
Bheir mi sùil air , bheir mi sùil air.