They asked me to stand on one leg
Dh'iarr iad orm seasamh air mo leth–chois
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.
Cha do dh'innis mi dhut air sgàth 's gun robh cùisean ceart gu leòr, aig a' cheann thall. O, agus thàinig an tè àrd siud còmhla rium airson taic.
I didn't tell you because things were OK, in the end. Oh, and that tall woman came with me to help.
An robh i a' faireachdainn ciontach?
Was she feeling guilty?
Math dh'fhaodte. Fhuair an sgioba aicese làmh an uachdair oirnn, cuideachd. Cha do ghabh mise san t–sròin e, ach bha mi taingeil gun tàinig i còmhla rium.
Possibly. Her team won (got the upper hand), as well. I wasn't offended, but I was grateful that she came with me.
Agus ciamar a chaidh dhut aig an ospadal?
And how did you get on at the hospital?
Och, cha deach gu dona. Dh'iarr iad orm seasamh air mo leth–chois is rudan neònach mar sin, agus le glùin ghoirt bha sin doirbh. Ach mu dheireadh thuirt iad rium gun robh mi ceart gu leòr, ach a bhith a' toirt an aire dhan chràdh nam cheann.
Och, (it went) not too badly. They asked me to stand on one leg, and odd things like that, and with a sore knee that was difficult! But finally, they said to me that I was alright, but to be mindful of the pain in my head.
Tha mi cinnteach gur e deagh chomhairle a bhiodh a sin (gu h–àraidh le do cheann).
I'm sure that's (that would be) good advice (especially with your head).
'S e gu dearbh. Agus a' bruidhinn air cinn, a bheil fhios agad cò bha san ospadal aig an aon àm?
It is. And talking of heads, do you know who was in the hospital at the same time?
Cò? Innis dhomh! Tha mo shròn a' cur dragh orm a–nis.
Who? Tell me! My nose is bothering me now.
An dearbh fhear a bha a’ moladh spòrs dhomh! Iain!
The very man who was recommending sport to me! John!
Iain? Bha dùil agam gun robh e air gluasad air falbh.
John? I thought that he had moved away.
Uill, bha e cas a' falbh, cas a' fuireach airson greis, ach tha e air gluasad, agus tha e ag obair air a cheann fhèin a–nis.
Well, he was in two minds [unsure] for a while, but he has moved, and he's working for himself now.
Uill, uill! Cùm cluas ri claisneachd, a Mhàiri. Bu toil leam tuilleadh fhaighinn a–mach mu dheidhinn sin!
Well, well! Keep an ear out, Màiri. I would like to find out more about that!