

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about the body, in particular, people's appearance.

ag aithneachadh (vn)
recognising, knowing (someone)
Nach eil mi gur n–aithneachadh?
Don't I recognise/know you (polite/plural)?
Fear a' chinn mhòir …
A/The man with a big head …
(b' e) siud am fear a bha a' dràibheadh
that's the one who was driving
tè an fhuilt fhada dhuinn
the woman with the long brown hair
tè nan sùilean mòra gorma
the woman with the big blue eyes
fear a' bheòil bhig is nan cluasan beaga
the man with a small mouth and ears
Sin sibh pèin, sir.
That's yourself, sir.
fear mòr, àrd, tapaidh Albannach air a bheil coltas gruamach, greannach
a big, tall, strong (hefty) Scotsman with [on whom there is] a sullen, crabbit appearance
Tha sinn an tòir air
we are looking for [in pursuit of]
mì–mhodhail (adj)
naughty, impolite, rude
plìon(as) (m)
smirk, leer
Bha a choltas mì–mhodhail agus bha plìon air
he had an impertinent (naughty) look and a smirk
Tha mi làidir, ceart gu leòr, ach tha mi seang.
I'm strong, right enough, but I'm slender.
stuama (adj)
sober, responsible
Chì sibh gu bheil mi stuama
you can see [will see] that I am sober
Tha coltas dòigheil, toilichte orm!
I have a contented, happy appearance!