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A’ Bhodhaig

Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Dè tha ceàrr ort?

Take two: What's wrong with you?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again. 

A Mhàiri, dè tha ceàrr ort? Màiri, what’s wrong with you?
Och, chan eil mi gu math. ‘S e mo cheann … Och, I’m not well. It’s my head …
A bheil do cheann goirt? Is your head sore?
Tha ceann goirt orm, tha cràdh uabhasach nam chluasan agus tha mo ghlùin goirt cuideachd. I have a sore head, a terrible pain in my ears and I have a sore knee as well.
Ciamar a thachair sin? Ceann goirt, cluasan goirt agus glùin ghoirt? How did that happen? A sore head, sore ears and a sore knee?
Uill bha tubaist agam leis an tè àrd seo, nuair a bha mi a’ cluich iomain. Bha mi air tòiseachadh a–rithist, an dèidh a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri Iain, ‘s e cho fallain! Well, I had an accident with this tall woman, when I was playing shinty. I had started again, after talking to John, him being so fit.
Seadh. Dè thachair ma–thà? Uh–huh. What happened then?
Bha gàirdeanan làidir, làmhan mòra is casan fada oirre. Agus mar a tha fhios agad, chan eil orm ach casan goirid, làmhan beaga agus … aodann brèagha! She had strong arms, big hands and long legs. And as you know, I only have short legs, small hands and … a pretty face!
Seadh. Uh–huh.
Co–dhiù no co–dheth, chunnaic mi na làmhan mòra seo air a’ chaman, agus an ath rud, chuala mi brag agus … Anyway, I saw these big hands on the caman, and the next thing, I heard a crack and …
Mo chreach, dè thachair an uair sin? My goodness, what happened then?
… agus an ath rud, dhùisg mi, agus bha mi san ospadal! … and the next thing, I woke up, and I was in the hospital!
San ospadal? Cha robh fhios agam. Carson nach do dh’innis thu dhomh?! In the hospital? I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?