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Time Off

Complete for 2 points

A’ ruith gach latha

Daily running

 Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation! 

A bheil thu math air ruith? Are you good at running?
Tha. Tha mi glè mhath air ruith. Yes. I am really good at running.
Am bi thu a’ ruith a h-uile latha? Do you run every day?
Cha bhi. Bidh mi a’ ruith gach Disathairne, Dimàirt is Dihaoine. Tha mi cho sona ri bròg nuair a bhios mi a’ ruith. No. I run every Saturday, Tuesday and Friday. I am as content as a shoe when I run.
Am bi thu ag obair a h-uile latha? Do you work every day?
Bidh mi ag obair a h-uile latha bho Diluain gu Dihaoine. I work every day from Monday to Friday.
Tha thu trang! You are busy!
Am bi sibh fhèin a’ sgrìobhadh a h-uile latha? Do you write everyday yourself?
Bidh. Bidh mi a’ sgrìobhadh a h-uile latha! Yes. I write every day!
Am bi thu a’ gàirnealachd a h-uile latha? Do you do garden every day?
Cha bhi. Tha e glè fhuar sa gheamhradh. I do not. It’s very cold in the winter.
Am bi thu a’ còcaireachd a h-uile latha? Do you cook every day?
Bidh. Nach bi thu fhèin a’ còcaireachd a h-uile latha. I do. Don’t you cook every day yourself?
Bidh! Bidh mi ag ithe a h-uile latha cuideachd! Yes! I eat everyday too!