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Dè bhiodh tu ag iarraidh às an obair seo? 

What would you want from this job?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Mìle taing airson do thaic leis an deasachadh seo airson an agallaimh, Iain.  A thousand thanks for your help with the preparation for the interview, John.
‘S e do bheatha. Tha liosta de cheistean agam an seo. Fuirich dà dhiog. Seo sinn. Ahem. Fàilte dhan agallamh. You’re welcome. I’ve got a list of questions here. Two ticks. Here we are. Ahem. Welcome to the interview.
Tapadh leibh. Is mise Anna, toilichte ur coinneachadh. Thank you. I’m Anna, pleased to meet you.
Nise, Anna, dè bhiodh tu ag iarraidh às an obair seo? Now, Anna, what would you want from this job?
Tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith a’ brosnachadh cultar na Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd. Tha mi airson a bhith a’ leasachadh thachartasan Gàidhlig anns a’ bhaile mhòr le bhith a’ coinneachadh ri agus a’ toirt misneachd do dhaoine ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. I want to foster Gaelic culture in general. I want to develop Gaelic events in the city by meeting people and giving encouragement to people in the world of Gaelic.
Carson a bhiodh tu math air an obair seo? Why would you be good at this job?
Bhithinn math air an obair seo air sgàth ‘s gu bheil mi math le daoine, gu bheil mi math le pròiseactan iomadh–fhillte, ‘s gu bheil lèirsinn agam—tha mi gu math cruthachail. Agus, air sgàth ‘s gu bheil math na Gàidhlig aig cridhe a h–uile rud a bhios mi a’ dèanamh. I would be good at this job because I’m good with people, I’m good with complicated projects, I’ve got vision—I’m very creative. And, because Gaelic is at the heart of everything I do.
Siuthad, Anna! Nise, càit a bheil thu ag iarraidh a dhol san t–saoghal obrach? Go Anna! Now, where do you want to go in the world of work?
Bu mhiann leam a bhith a’ cumail a’ dol ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig, ag obair air pròiseactan inntinneach, adhartach a bhios a’ toirt dhaoine còmhla. I would like to keep doing what I’m doing in the world of Gaelic, working on interesting, progressive projects which bring people together.
Càit a bheil thu a’ sùileachadh a bhith an ceann còig bliadhna? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
‘S e ceist mhòr a tha sin! Tha mi air dà dhreuchd a dhèanamh gu soirbheachail gu ruige seo, agus bu mhiann leam an obair a bhios mi a’ dèanamh an–dràsta fhighe a–steach gu obair dhen leithid seo. That’s a big question! I have done two jobs/careers successfully so far, and I would wish to weave what I’m doing now into work of that kind. 
Ciamar a bheir thu na h–amasan sin gu buil? How will you fulfil those ambitions? 
Nise, ’s e ceist mhòr, mhòr a tha sin. Nam bithinn slàn is fallain … Dè an ùine a th’ agaibh? Now, that’s a very big question. If I were hale and hearty … How much time do you have?