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Bilingual transcription: Tha sin ri dhèanamh...

Bilingual transcription: If I were …/Were I …

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases. 

We’ve looked at a tha and air construction, to express a passive state: Tha mi air mo nàrachadh, I’m embarrassed.

There’s also a passive construction that uses tha and ri with a verbal noun: Tha sin ri dhèanamh. That’s to be done.

The dhèanamh here is actually a dhèanamh, its doing. We can’t hear the possessive ‘a’ – ‘its’, but we can hear the lenition.

In tha obair ri dèanamh, there’s work to do, we hear no lenition, because obair is feminine, and we’re saying ‘her doing’, even though we don’t hear the ‘a’ for her: Tha obair ri dèanamh. There’s work to be done.

Or tha obair ri faighinn – There’s work to be got.

And the plural, tha obraichean rim faighinn. There are jobs to be got.

Rim here is ri and am, ‘their’, am faighinn, ‘their getting’. Tha obraichean rim faighinn.

Tha na rudan seo rin cur dhan phreas. These things are to be put in the press. Ri an cur, their putting. Tha na rudan seo rin cur dhan phreas.