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Complete for 2 points

Càil ri dhèanamh?

Anything to be done?

We saw the sentence Tha an uinneag air a fosgladh ‘The window is opened’ in A2, Cuspair 7. This is a sentence in the guth fulangach (passive voice). When a person or thing isn’t doing the action in a sentence, this is called the passive voice.  

Obair ri dèanamh 

We can use forms of the verb bi and the preposition ri with a verbal noun to express that something ‘is to be done’. The preposition ri combines with a possessive adjective mo, do, a, a, ar, ur, an/am and the verbal noun changes accordingly.  

ri + mo rim 
ri + do rid 
ri + a ri 
ri + a (h–) ri (h–) 
ri + ar ri ar (n–) 
ri + ur ri ur (n–) 
ri + an/am rin/rim 

A bheil rudeigin ri dhèanamh?

Is there something to be done?

Tha obair ri dèanamh

There is work to be done

Tha toglaichean a’ bhaile rin càradh

The buildings of the town need to be fixed

Bidh mi rim lorg san oifis

I will be found in the office

But be aware that this structure does not always translate as passive in English:  

Dè tha ri ithe?

What’s for eating?, What is to eat?

Chan eil càil agam ri dhèanamh.

I have nothing to do.

Cuin a bhios na parsailean rin togail?

When have the parcels to be collected?

Bha am film ri fhaicinn san Screen Machine fad na seachdain.

The film was to be seen in the Screen Machine all week.

A bheil leughadh agad ri dhèanamh a–nochd?

Do you have reading to do (to be done) tonight?

Tha an taisbeanadh ri fhaicinn san Lanntair an ath–mhìos.

The exhibition is to be seen in the Lanntair next month.

Chan eil an t–aran sin ri ithe an–diugh.

That bread is not to be eaten today.

Tha biadh ri dheasachadh feasgar.

There’s food to be prepared in the evening.

Tha an taigh ri ghlanadh fhathast.

The house has still to be tidied.