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Complete for 2 points

Dè do bheachd air a’ bhuidhinn, ma-thà?

What do you think of the organisation, then?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Dh’fhòn mi thuca agus fhuair mi facal leis an tè a tha os cionn na companaidh. I phoned them and I had a word with the woman who is in charge of the company.
‘S e faochadh a tha sin. A–rithist, tapadh leat, a Mhairead. Gabh mo leisgeul gun robh mi cho greannach na bu tràithe. That’s a relief. Again, thank you, Mairead. I’m sorry that I was so grumpy earlier.
Tha sin ceart gu leòr. Tha thu taghta. That’s alright. You’re fine.
O halò, Anna. Dè tha gad fhàgail an seo? Oh hallo, Anna. What brings (leaves) you here?
Halò, Fhionnlaigh. Tha mi an seo airson agallamh. Cha robh fhios agam gun robh thu ag obair an seo. Hallo, Finlay. I’m here for an interview. I didn’t know you were working here.
Tha, airson greiseag co–dhiù. Chan eil fhios a bheil an obair seo a’ còrdadh rium cho mòr an–dràsta. Ach air an làimh eile, ‘s e companaidh mhath a th’ innte a thaobh tuarastail agus suidheachadh–obrach. Dè an t–agallamh a th’ agad? I am, for a while anyway. I don’t know if this work agrees with me so much just now. But on the other hand, it’s a good company for salary and working conditions. What’s your interview? 
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil na h–oifisean aca os ur cionn. Fèis Ghlaschu? I think that their offices are above you. Fèis Ghlaschu?
Tha mi eòlach air an luchd–obrach aca. Tha iad uile cho gasta. Bidh mi a’ suidhe rin taobh sa bhiadhlann. I know their staff. They’re all so nice. I sit with them in the canteen.
Am bi? Dè do bheachd air a’ bhuidhinn, ma–thà? Do you. What do you think of the organisation, then?
‘S e buidheann mhath a th’ innte. A bheil thu gu bhith os cionn na Fèise, ma–thà? It’s a good organisation. Are you going to be in charge of the Fèis, then?
Air do shocair! Tha cathraiche is bòrd–stiùiridh rin sàsachadh fhathast! Hold on a minute! There’s the chair and the board of directors to satisfy first!
‘S cinnteach. Am bu toil leat coinneachadh airson beagan craic às dèidh an agallaimh? Indeed. Would you like to meet for a bit of a chat after the interview?
Deagh bheachd. Bidh am pathadh orm an dèidh sin! Good idea. I’ll be thirsty after that!