

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Os cionn gnothaichean (In charge of affairs). 

Let's look at some of them again in context. 

Fhuair mi facal leis an tè a tha os cionn na companaidh
I had a word with the woman who is in charge of the company.
Gabh mo leisgeul gun robh mi cho greannach na bu tràithe.
I'm sorry that I was so grumpy earlier.
'S e companaidh mhath a th' innte a thaobh tuarastail agus suidheachadh–obrach.
It's a good company for salary and working conditions.
Gu bheil na h–oifisean aca os ur cionn.
That their offices are above yours (you).
Tha mi eòlach air an luchd–obrach aca.
I know their staff.
Dè do bheachd air a’ bhuidhinn, ma-thà?
What do you think of the organisation, then?
'S e buidheann mhath a th' innte.
It's a good organisation.
A bheil thu gu bhith os cionn na Fèise, ma–thà?
Are you going to be in charge of the Fèis, then?
Tha cathraiche is bòrd–stiùiridh rin sàsachadh fhathast!
There's the chair and the board of directors to satisfy first!