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Gnothachas - Dèanta! Business - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

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Obair mhòr! Math dha–rìribh!

You should now be confident in the following:

  • a’ bruidhinn air an obair, an gnothachas is an gnìomhachas agad | talk about your work, industry, and business
  • a’ cleachdadh do chuid Ghàidhlig airson bruidhinn mu shuidheachaidhean cumanta san àite–obrach | use your Gaelic to talk about common workplace situations
  • a’ bruidhinn air sireadh obair is sgrìobhadh cunntas–beatha | talk about looking for work and writing CV
  • a’ faighneachd agus a’ freagairt cheistean agallaimh | ask and answer interview questions
  • a’ bruidhinn air na planaichean is miannan agad airson do dhreuchd | talk about your plans and ambitions for your career
  • ag ràdh dè dhèanadh tu gus na h–amasan agad a thoirt gu buil | say what you would do to achieve your aims
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